在任何年代、種類、形式的音樂中,敲擊音樂都擔當着不可或缺的角色。Initial-P 的理念圍繞著英文字母 “P”為首的詞彙—— 敲擊(Percussion),敲擊樂手(Percussionist ),表演(Performance),專業的訓練(Professional training)和無限可能性(Possibilities)———就正如我們對敲擊音樂的追求。
作為專業敲擊樂手,創辦人明白在香港尋找合適的敲擊樂用品並不容易 ,所以在成立Initial-P 敲擊樂藝術中心時,也同時開設了香港第一間敲擊樂用品專門店,並希望每位樂手都可以在專門店親身試用和選購到可以表現自己所追求的獨特聲音的合適產品。
我們的團隊一直致力為本地敲擊樂愛好者搜羅優質及多元化的敲擊樂器和相關產品,並已取得多個世界知名品牌的代理,包括 Cooperman, Grover Pro Percussion, Innovative Percussion, Malletech, Marimba One, Playwood, Tycoon, Vancore 等。我們也成立了自家品牌,為本地敲擊樂手提供多一個性價比高的選擇。
Initial-P 除了是一個敲擊樂器與相關產品的銷售點,我們也旨在成為一個提供專業敲擊樂器資訊的平台,令大眾可以有更多機會了解並親身體驗敲擊音樂。
Percussion music plays an indispensable role in the music of all kinds. The concept of Initial P revolves around the letter "P"— Percussion, Percussionist, Performance, Professional Training, and Possibilities —— just like our pursuit of percussion music.
As a professional percussionist, our founders understand that finding suitable percussion products in Hong Kong is not easy, so Hong Kong’s first percussion products store is founded when the Initial-P Percussion Art Center was established. We hope every percussionist can find a suitable instrument and the unique tune that they are looking for in our store.
Our team strives our best to sourcing high-quality and diversified percussion instruments and related products for local percussion lovers. We are now the agent of many world-renowned brands, including Cooperman, Grover Pro Percussion, Innovative Percussion, Malletech, Marimba One, Playwood, Tycoon, Vancore, etc. We also established our product line, providing local percussionists a cost-effective alternative.
In addition to being a point of sale for percussion instruments and related products, Initial P also serves as a platform to share information and knowledge of percussion instruments, providing the public easier access to percussion music.
Address: No. 501-3, The Leader Commercial Building, 54-56 Hillwood Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong
Tel: (+852) 34605577
Whatsapp: (+852) 9387 6681
Fax: (+852) 34605898
Email: info@initial-p.com.hk
地址:香港九龍尖沙咀山林道利雅商業大廈501-3室 (佐敦地鐵站Exit D)
電話:(+852) 34605577
Whatsapp: (+852) 9387 6681
Fax: (+852) 34605898